New version of the FIDIC RED BOOK Special Conditions valid from 01.01.2025

FIDIC Conditions of Contract are an international contractual standard used for construction projects almost all over the world.

In the Czech Republic, they are mainly used for investment construction in the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic, however, in recent years, their spread can also be observed in the private sector. The new wording of the FIDIC Red Book Special Conditions of Contract issued by the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic brings changes mainly in response to the need to comply with international sanctions when implementing projects under these Conditions of Contract.

Other changes were aimed at clarifying some ambiguities related to the interpretation of the contract conditions – for example, the contract conditions now contain a list of provisions of the Civil Code that do not apply to the relationship between the client and the contractor. On the other hand, the expected changes concerning BIM (digital information model of construction) or CDE (common data environment) are not included in the newly issued version of the contract conditions.