Preparation of information about important changes of legal regulations, about changes in the area of taxes, accounting and audit and updated information about news related to our company are underway.

You can apply for a VAT refund from another EU Member State for the calendar year 2023 until 30.09.

You can apply for a VAT refund from another EU Member State for the calendar year 2023 until 30.09.

If your company is a VAT payer, you can apply for a refund of VAT paid on services (e.g. costs ...
Commercial communications by e-mail

Commercial communications by e-mail

It is necessary to remember that commercial communication can take very different forms and it is necessary to consider as ...
Planned changes in sickness insurance or from paper to electronics

Planned changes in sickness insurance or from paper to electronics

An amendment to Act No. 187/2006 Coll., on sickness insurance, is currently in the legislative process in the Chamber of ...


The current amendment to the Labour Code will allow employers and employees to agree that the employee will schedule his/her ...
Amendment to the Labour Code

Amendment to the Labour Code

On 25 July 2024, the Senate approved the already announced “val-mech” amendment to the Labour Code (i.e. it is not ...
Negotiation of remuneration from the DPP/DPČ with consideration of night work, difficult working environment and weekend work

Negotiation of remuneration from the DPP/DPČ with consideration of night work, difficult working environment and weekend work

As we have recently informed you, a draft amendment to the Labour Code is currently awaiting discussion in the Senate, ...
Another amendment to the Labour Code as of 1 August 2024?

Another amendment to the Labour Code as of 1 August 2024?

On 3 July 2024, the Senate received a government bill which, among other things, introduces changes to the Labour Code ...
Announced new rules for DPP from 1 July

Announced new rules for DPP from 1 July

To help you navigate, we have prepared a brief overview of the new obligations for employers. Keeping records of all ...
Changes to the notification of employment of foreigners and cross-border postings of employees from 1 July 2024

Changes to the notification of employment of foreigners and cross-border postings of employees from 1 July 2024

From July, as part of the ongoing digitisation of the state administration, important changes will be made to the notification ...
LTA has been a member of the MGI Worldwide network for 10 years

LTA has been a member of the MGI Worldwide network for 10 years

We can’t believe it, but it’s been 10 years! Ten years that we have been a member of the MGI ...